Bengaluru (Karnataka):A woman's decomposed dead body was found at Yeshvantpur railway station in Bengaluru on Wednesday. The body was kept in a plastic drum, covered with clothes and wrapped with tape. As usual when sanitation staff visited to clean the station then they found a blue colour drum and some foul smell was emanating from it. They informed to their superiors about the drum as foul smell were emanating from it. Later they got more suspicious and informed to the police.
On receiving information, police reached the spot and opened the drum's lid, which was packed with tapes. Once they removed the lid, a foul smell emanated. Later they found dead body of a woman. Her age might be between 25 to 30 years. She wore salwar and suits. The dead body was covered up after murder, and the identity of the dead woman is yet to be found. The Railway Police and a dog squad have been called to the spot.
Railway SP Dr Soumyalatha SK said, 'Drum was found at the railway station and foul smell was emanating. The dead body was found today. The CCTVs in and around the station are being scanned. An investigation has been carried out into this incident."
Several questions cropped up over the manner of the killing. Was her body packed into the container at railway station? Or was the body brought by stuffing the body into container from outside? If they brought by stuffing the body then it might be recorded on the CCTV installed at entrance? Sources do not rule out the possibility that the body might have been transported via train and dumped on the platform.
Yashvantpur railway station is one of the three important stations. It is a developing station of Bangalore and it has been developed to decongest the Bangalore city railway station. The station is connected with metro railways. It shows how much the station is getting a large number of footfalls daily. In such a scenario, a serious question is being asked how the dead body could be brought to the station without being noticed by anybody.