Vijayanagara (Karnataka):In a shocking incident, a man identified as Bojaraja (25) beheaded his ex-girlfriend and carried her head to the police station at Kannaboranaiya's Hatti in Kudligi taluk of Vijayanagara district. The victim was identified as Nirmala (21), a nursing student. The accused carried a machete with him to Nirmala's house while she was alone with the intention of murdering her and chopping her head off.
The alleged motive behind the crime is that the victim was in love with someone else. Bojaraja was also married to another woman recently. He was working as a tractor driver in Kudligi. Police have arrested Bojaraja and registered a case under sections 302 (Murder), and 450 (trespassing in order to commit a crime) of the Indian Penal Code. Further investigations are being carried out.