Bengaluru: A 78-year-old widow of a retired soldier from Bengaluru is setting a new fitness benchmark by performing yoga with soldiers at thousands of feet above sea level in challenging weather conditions and running yoga and pranayama camps across the country. Padmini Jog Sevaspirathi, hailing from Bengaluru, studied at London University.
After completing her B Sc in Home Science, she married Colonel Pratap Jog and have two children. After her marriage, Padmini didn't like being idle and did a Montessori course and taught children for free. After her husband's retirement, they reached their home town Nagpur. Padminis' interest towards yoga grew at a yoga camp in Nagpur.
''That got both of us attracted towards yoga. Both of us started practising at home. After a few years, we completed the yoga teacher's course under Ramdev Baba's training in Haridwar. Later, we did more yoga courses and conducted a charity camp at Sehore near Bhopal in which 600 people participated. We travelled all over the country,'' Padmini recalled.