Udupi (Karnataka):A Class II student washed away while crossing the bridge as it was overflowing with stream water, which was flowing nearby location. The incident took place on Monday evening near Bijamakki in the Kalthodu village of Byandoor taluk. Sannidhi (7), daughter of Pradeep Pujari and Sumitra of Bolamballi, was returning home from school in the evening when the incident occurred.
7-year-old school girl washed away in stream while crossing bridge
A seven-year-old girl fell into a stream while crossing a bridge. River current swept her away, intense search operations are being carried out to trace the missing girl.
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The girl was swept by the stream water while crossing the bridge at Bijamakki. As soon as the villagers came to know about the incident, they started searching. The stream joins the Bolamballi river. It is suspected that the girl has been washed away in the strong current of the river and an intense search operation was going on to trace the missing girl.