Bengaluru:In a bid to encourage e-mobility among the people, the Karnataka government aims to replace 50 percent of all government vehicles with electric vehicles (EVs) in the coming 2 to 3 years, said Deputy Chief Minister Dr C N Ashwatha Narayana.
He expressed this as a panellist on the topic, “future of sustainable mobility”, which was held as a part of the ‘Harward-India Conference’, and informed that Karnataka was looking forward to partnerships and concrete strategies with the USA in the e-mobility sector.
Regulatory measures will be taken to make setting up of charging infrastructure in high-rise buildings, metro stations, malls, IT parks, and apartments. The goal is also to set up fast chargers along few important highways in the state (e.g. Bengaluru-Chennai, Bengaluru- Myrsuru) and to establish the world-class Karnataka Electric Mobility Research & Innovation Center, he explained.
“Lack of charging infrastructure still remains as a major concern and the state is working towards improving the situation. The government also has assessed the situation and has received feedback from citizens regarding discounted charging at public places, dedicated parking for e-cabs, and mandating EV charging facility in building by-laws to improve the EV infra in the state," said Narayana.