Bengaluru (Karnataka): In a joint operation, officials of the Military Intelligence unit of Southern Command of the Army and Anti Terrorism Cell (ATC) of Bengaluru police on Wednesday arrested two men who ran an unauthorised telephone exchange and seized a large number of devices used for converting international calls (ISD) to local calls.
According to an official statement of Bengaluru police, the accused identified as Gautham Viswanathan (27), a native of Tirupur district in Tamil Nadu, and Ibrahim Mullatti Bin Mohammed Kutty (36) a native of Malappuram district in Kerala, had illegally created telephone exchanges in six places in BTM (Byrasandra, Tavarekere, and Madivala) layout in Bengaluru by "placing several mobile SIM cards into electronic devices, converting foreign phone calls into local calls, defrauding the telecommunication network, and disrupting the country's security."