Mysore (Karnataka): A 12-feet tall statue of Adi Guru Shankaracharya was unveiled by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Uttarakhand on Friday. Modi is on a day's visit to the state. The statute, which weighs 35 tonnes, was made by a Mysore-based sculptor Arun Yogiraj from Krishnashila stone, a black rock that is known to withstand rain, sunshine and harsh climate.
A total of four models of the sculpture from the state were sent to the Prime Minister's office, out of which Yogiraj's model was selected, which was later given the final shape.
Shankaracharya, an eighth-century seer travelled across the Indian subcontinent to propagate his philosophy. He was also instrumental in founding the four Mathas.
Speaking to ETV Bharat, Yogiraj said that he is very happy as his work is being recognised by the people. "I feel good when people say that they get good vibes from the statue. We've been doing this for generations. My father was my teacher. It's Karnataka's fortune that the statue made in this place is being placed in Kedarnath," he added.