Ramgarh (Jharkhand):A married woman died by suicide while on a video call with her now distanced boyfriend. The police arrested the woman's lover, Manjit Kumar, on Monday for abetting her suicide. The arrest was made based on the video call screen recorded by the accused while the jilted woman hanged herself unable to bear separation. The deceased woman was identified as one Payal Kumari.
Barlanga police station in-charge Raghunath Singh giving details of the case said, "the body of the deceased woman, identified as Payal Kumari was found on November 19, 2022, at her in-law's house in Purabatad village. Tapeshwar Singh, the father of the deceased, filed a case against the deceased's husband Vishal Singh, father-in-law Teju Singh, mother-in-law Budhni Devi and brother-in-law Veeru Singh for seeking dowry."
Singh further said, "the police started an investigation into the case. It was then found out that the woman was having an extramarital affair with Manjit Kumar. When Vishal got to know about this affair, he got angry and even fought with Manjit and Payal, but Payal did not stop talking to Manjit. However, Manjit began distancing himself from Payal which made her upset. The couple decided to meet at a wedding ceremony in their village on 26 November to sort things out."