Ranchi: The Cyber Crime Branch of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) Jharkhand has arrested two cyber criminals from capital Ranchi for duping a bank of over Rs 1 crore by increasing the credit limit of credit cards, officials said on Thursday. Investigators have claimed a foreign link to the credit card scam.
One of the arrested accused has been identified as Neeraj Kumar Pandey, a resident of Bokaro Steel City. In the complaint filed by RBL Bank officer Pankaj Bhagat with the cyber police station, he said that Pandey had applied for a credit card in the bank. Initially the bank provided a credit card to Neeraj by setting a limit of Rs 1 lakh, Bhagat said.
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According to the RBL Bank officer, after providing credit card facility to Pandey, money started coming into his account from foreign banks after which the bank increased the limit of his credit card to Rs 1.10 crore. Bhagat said that Neeraj spent the amount before the stipulated time and later refused to pay the credit amount.
The bank also came to know that money had been sent to Neeraj's account from dozens of foreign accounts. The RBL Bank has told the CID Crime Branch that notices were sent to accused Neeraj from the bank several times to return the amount, but he did not respond. When the bank team reached the accused's house, he refused to give the money.
Accordingly, a case was registered in the Cyber Crime Branch on 28 Aug. The Cyber Crime Branch team is interrogating both the accused in the case.