Ranchi: In a major incident, a man who fell into the tigress enclosure at Bhagwan Birsa Biological Park also known as Ranchi Zoo, was attacked and killed by the animal on Wednesday.
According to the onlookers, the man fell into the enclosure's pit before being preyed on by the carnivore.
Zoo officials, staff and forest department personnel reached the spot as soon as they received the news.
"A mentally challenged person was hanging on a tree and fell into the tiger protected area of the zoo. Anushka, a tigress roaming around, came close to the person," police said.
His body has been sent for post-mortem. Meanwhile, the zoo has been closed for public.
The mishap has put a question mark on the safety and security of visitors to the zoo. Sources said no one from the zoo staff attempted to save the trapped person.
The tigress was brought to from Hyderabad zoo in 2016. She delivered three cubs last year.
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