Ranchi: Jharkhand Chief Minister Raghubar Das on Tuesday said that the citizens' list in Jharkhand will be updated soon, on the lines of Assam NRC exercise, to identify all Bangladeshis living in the state illegally and deport them 'one by one'.
"It is important to drive out Bangladeshi infiltrators because of whom the Muslim population of India and the state is unable to get its rights," he said in a press conference in Ranchi.
Das said his government has already sent a letter to the Union home ministry that many "Bangladeshi infiltrators" are living in Jharkhand and they should be deported after updating the National Register of Citizens in the state.
"If Centre accepts our request, we can look for every Bangladeshi and send them out of the country one by one," he said.
Home Minister Amit Shah has announced that all illegal immigrants living across India will be driven out of the country soon.