New Delhi: Taking a dig at the 'Mahagathbandhan' formed in Jharkhand ahead of the recently concluded Lok Sabha polls, 2019, the All Jharkhand Students Union party (AJSU) president Sudesh Mahto said on Saturday that the grand alliance failed to make a dent in the Bharatiya Janta Party-led National Democratic Alliance's election prospects in the tribal-dominated state.
Speaking to ETV Bharat, Mahto said, "The NDA's performance was brilliant in Jharkhand, and the 'mahagathbandhan' has failed to make a dent in its prospects."
"Narendra Modi has worked hard towards the development of the country over the five years of his tenure, and the people of the country have immensely benefitted from the central government schemes, which is why the NDA has won more than 350 seats, " added the president of AJSU, a party which is a constituent of the NDA in Jharkhand.