Ranchi: In a bizarre incident, a hungry woman ate a live pigeon in front of the orthopaedic department of Ranchi's Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS).
Starved woman ate live pigeon in Jharkhand A video has surfaced on social media in which the woman was seen eating pigeon live in RIMS by ripping it apart.
The woman, it is believed, kept asking for food to the hospital staff all day but in vain. When her hunger was not tolerated, she caught a pigeon sitting nearby, killed and ate it raw.
The RIMS management said that despite human sympathy, they are not able to help such patients as there is no psychiatric department for such patient in the hospital.
The woman is mentally unsound and asking for food for many days but no one helped her. Although the largest hospital in Jharkhand has a provision of free food for such patients, there is no one to take care of these unclaimed patients.
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