Chatra:An example of commitment and responsibility was observed in Jharkhand's Chatra on Saturday, as booth worker Manoj Oraon reached the polling station in Chatra college campus for the first phase of Panchayat elections in the state on his wife's back. Oraon, who is employed as a helper in Ashoka OCP of Central Coalfields Limited, recently suffered a leg injury.
Jharkhand ailing poll worker reaches booth on wife's back
An example of commitment and responsibility was observed in Jharkhand's Chatra on Saturday, as booth worker Manoj Oraon reached the polling station in Chatra college campus for the first phase of Panchayat elections in the state on his wife's back.
Jharkhand ailing poll worker reaches booth on wife back
A subsequent disease, as per information, turned Oraon immobile. Despite this, however, he was issued polling duty in the Panchayat elections. On the polling day, the election worker's wife turned out to be his saving grace, as she was seen carrying him to the booth. The effort, however, proved to be futile, with the medical team declaring him unfit for duty and advising rest.
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