Godda (Jharkhand):Godda police have seized a truck laden with 5,800 kg explosives in Mahagama town of Jharkhand during patrolling. The explosives include gelatin sticks and detonator which are made in Chhattisgarh and Andhra Pradesh.
As many as 2,061 gelatin sticks, 200 bundles single detonator and 50 bundles double detonator have been recovered from the truck.
As per police, the neighbouring districts of Sahibganj, Pakur and Dumka witness a widely expanded illegal business of crusher and coal excavation which results in the manufacturing and smuggling of explosives at a large scale.
"It's a huge success for the police department. The forces have jointly launched an operation to nab the kingpin of this consignment. A case has been registered and we are also investigation the truck route to find its final destination," SP YS Ramesh said.
Read:|Large amount of explosives recovered by police in Aurangabad