Palamu: Two people suffered severe injuries after a youth opened fire over a dispute of Rs 10. The incident took place in the Chainpur market area of Jharkhand's Palamu district on Friday evening. The injured have been identified as Ranjit Arya and Raju Arya.
As per police sources, four men came to buy liquor from the shop of Vinay Gupta on Friday. They entered into a heated argument with Gupta as he demanded Rs 10 more than the actual price of liquor bottles. Gupta's cousins, Ranjit and Raju Arya, who own and operate a clothes shop nearby, tried to defend their cousin. As things escalated, one of the young men opened fire. He fired seven bullets, and three of them struck Ranjit and Raju Arya.
In the firing, Raju Arya was hit in the head, while his cousin Ranjit Arya was hit by two bullets in the stomach. Raju Arya was taken to a private nursing home in Palamu. The bullet was taken out of his head and he has been kept under observation. While the severely injured Ranjit Arya has been referred to Ranchi RIMS for better treatment.