Palamu (Jharkhand): In an embarassing incident, former Jharkhand Chief Minister and JMM working president Hemant Soren was forced to attend nature's call in the open while campaigning in Palamu.
With campaigning for the ongoing Lok Sabha polls reaching the fag end, the JMM working president was addressing a rally in Palamu's Nawa Bazar, when he wished to take a break to attend nature's call.
Soren though was taken aback as he could not find a toilet in the proximity of the venue. As a result, he was forced to break away from his security and was caught urinating in the open area behind the venue.
The development comes even as the Narendra Modi-led government at the Centre claims that a major part of the nation has been made open defecation free.
Even in his Interim Budget speech, temporary Finance Minister Piyush Goyal had said that the country has achieved 98 per cent rural sanitation coverage, and as many as 5.45 lakh villages have been declared 'Open Defecation Free'.