Palamu (Jharkhand):In a tragic incident, at least four minor girls died by drowning in Jharkhand's Palamu. The incident took place in Sarja under the Ramgarh police station area in the Palamu district on Thursday. According to official sources, the bodies of the deceased minor girls were recovered late Thursday night from a pond behind their school and sent for post-mortem at Medinirai Medical College and Hospital.
Officials said that on Thursday morning the girls, all studying in LKG went to Nilambar Pitambar School in Sarja but did not return till evening. The family members started looking for them. During their search, it was found that the girls were last spotted near a pond behind their school.
The family members informed the local police about the incident who rushed to the spot and began investigation. The dead bodies of the girls were recovered from the pond late at night.