Palamu: Drawing a parallel between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Congress chief Rahul Gandhi, BJP president Amit Shah on Saturday said while the Prime Minister works for 18 hours a day, "Mr Gandhi goes on vacations every two-three months".
"I have been working with Modiji since Gujarat, for the twenty years that I have known him he has not taken even a day's leave from work. On the other hand, you have Rahul baba, who goes for international vacations every two-three months leaving his party leaders, workers, and even his own mother worried," he said while addressing a poll rally in Jharkhand's Palamu.
Upping the ante ahead of polls in the state, Mr Shah claimed that Congress never gave a fitting reply to Pakistan during its tenure.
"My heart still pains when I remember the cowardly attack when Pakistani soldiers mutilated the body of Hemraj (an Indian soldier) and disrespected him by kicking his decapitated head when Congress was in power. Yet, the UPA did nothing, Manmohan Singhji stayed silent as usual," he claimed.
In 2013, Lance Naik Hemraj was killed and his body was mutilated by Pakistan's Border Action Team (BAT) along the Line of Control (LoC).