Godda (Jharkhand): A 65-year-old woman was beaten to death by a group of drunk Holi revellers in Jharkhand's Godda district. The incident took place in Amor Nima village under the Balbadda police station area limits on Wednesday. According to official sources, the elderly woman was beaten when she opposed Holi revellers from forcefully applying colors to each other. The deceased has been identified as Duchchi Devi. The accused are on a run and the police have launched a search to nab them.
Murari Singh, the son of the deceased said, "This is not the case of any enmity. We did not have a dispute with anyone. The Holi revellers in an inebriated state were forcefully applying colours and were also making a loud noise. When my mother opposed this hooliganism, they started beating my mother. They went on beating her till she death. They came to their senses when they realised that they have killed my mother. When we all came to know about this incident, we informed the police, but the accused managed to escape before the police arrived."