Bokaro (Jharkhand):An eight-year-old boy took his 75-year-old grandmother on a handcart and reached the Chandankiyari Community Health Centre for treatment due to the unavailability of an ambulance. Eight-year-old Suraj said that his grandmother Marura Devi, a resident of Bagan Tola of Chandankiyari, suddenly fell ill and he took her to the hospital by himself as he could not see his granny suffering.
Eight-year-old boy carries grandmother to the hospital on handcart
Eight-year-old Suraj said that his grandmother Marura Devi, a resident of Bagan Tola of Chandankiyari, suddenly fell ill and he took her to a hospital on a handcart unavailability of an ambulance,
Eight-year-old boy carries grandmother to the hospital on handcart
A video of the incident has surfaced on the internet where Suraj is seen pulling the handcart on a chilling winter day while his grandmother lies covered under a blanket. As the video went viral, Bokaro's Chief Medical Officer Dr HK Mishra said that the state's medical situation is being compromised as most of the ambulances are out of service while he also ensured that 108 ambulances will be easily available from now on.
Chandankiyari block