Ranchi: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) conducted raids in Jharkhand on Friday as part of an investigation into the misuse of coal linkage. The raids were conducted in four locations, including Ranchi and the districts of Ramgarh, Palamu, and Hazaribagh.
The ED raids were conducted because there was suspicion that some engineers who were close to suspended IAS officer Pooja Singhal have amassed huge wealth through illegal mining activities.
According to sources, the ED suspects that some mining engineers, who were closed to Singhal, have illegally mined minerals and iron ore and accumulated immense wealth. The ED is now investigating these engineers and has put them under its radar.
The ED had earlier arrested Singhal's chartered accountant, Suman Kumar, who had made investments on behalf of the suspended officer. After interrogating Kumar, Singhal, and several others, the ED learned that many people invested money for her. Using this lead, the ED is now conducting further investigations and raids.