Giridih:Jharkhand Cyber Crime police on Monday arrested two vicious cyber criminals from a bus stand in the Giridih district. Police have seized Rs 14,600 cash, seven expensive phones, six ATM cards, and a car from their possession.
After the arrest of the two criminals, DSP Sanjay Rana in a press conference said, "Raids were conducted by forming a team under the leadership of cyber police station in-charge Adikant Mahato. There were a total of four cybercriminals at the bus stand. However, two of them managed to escape while Dularchand Mandal and Sujit Kumar have been nabbed by the police.
The arrested accused said that the escapees are Bablu Mandal and Rupesh Kumar. An amount of Rs 14,600, seven expensive phones, and six ATM cards have been seized from their possession."
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"Evidence of transactions worth about Rs 32 lakh has been found after examining the mobile phones that were seized from them. Apart from this, mobile numbers of about four lakh people have been found saved in the document file on phones. Out of this, one lakh numbers belong to the employees of the IT company, 10 thousand numbers belong to businessmen, and more than 20 thousand numbers belong to bank employees," said the DSP.
"Credit card details of more than one thousand people have also been found, and evidence of sending messages of SBI account closure to six thousand people has been found in the mobiles," he further said. "This is a big success for the police. After the interrogation of the arrested cyber criminals, various clues have been gathered, on the basis of which the police have started taking further action," he said.