Chaibasa: Two persons were arrested in connection with the murder of a Bajrang Dal activist in Jharkhand's Chakradharpur town, police said on Tuesday. Crude bombs were hurled at Kamaldev Giri, 35, at Bharat Bhawan Chowk on November 12, leading to his death, they said. The murder is allegedly the result of a long enmity between Giri and one Satish Pradhan over dominance in the area, they added.
Pradhan, the main accused in the case, is yet to be arrested, police said. The two people arrested were identified as Gulzar Hussain, 25, and Mati-ur-Rahman, 27, said West Singhbhum's Superintendent of Police Ashutosh Shekhar. A 13-member Special Investigation Team, formed to probe the case, arrested the duo after identifying them with the help of CCTV footage of the area, he said.