Chennai: A 30-year-old Maoist Sukar Ganjhu, who has been absconding from Jharkhand, was held by Tamil Nadu police on October 27. Jharkhand police is on their way to Chennai. There are over 14 cases registered against him.
Absconding Maoist from Jharkhand held in Tamil Nadu
Sukar Ganjhu, a 30-year-old Maoist who has been absconding from Jharkhand was held by Tamil Nadu police from Ennore. He has been working at a construction site in Ennore.
Sukar Ganjhu
Jharkhand police received a tip-off about his hideout and informed Tamil Nadu Police and Q branch police initiated the search. As per police sources, Ganjhu has been working at a construction site in Ennore for six months.
Also read:Anti-Maoist combing operation underway in Malkangiri of Odisha