Srinagar: Security forces on Friday arrested two terrorists from Jammu and Kashmir's Bandipora district, officials here said. Acting on a tip-off, security forces apprehended two militants of The Resistance Front, believed to be an offshoot of Lashkar-e-Taiba, in the upper reaches of Bandipora when they were on their way to Srinagar, they said.
Two terrorists arrested in J-K's Bandipora
Two terrorists were arrested in Jammu and Kashmir's Bandipora district on Friday, officials said.
terrorists arrested in J-K's Bandipora
The arrested duo has been identified as Imad Amin Chopan alias chita bhai and Tahir Ahmad Bhat alias Tiger, both residents of Anantnag district in south Kashmir.
One China-made pistol, a magazine and some rounds, a Chinese grenade and detonators were seized from them, the officials said. The ultras were tasked by their handlers with aquiring arms and ammunition to revive The Resistance Front module in south Kashmir, they added. (PTI)