Srinagar:Kashmir Divisional Commissioner Vijay Kumar Bidhuri said on Tuesday that the government is serious about lifting the decade-old restrictions on the traditional mourning processions of Muharram from two routes in the Srinagar district. Following this, the Shia community has now been asked to provide details to the district administration regarding the number of mourners participating in the procession and others. Now it is up to the Shia community to take a decision at the earliest.
Talking to reporters in Srinagar, Bidhuri said that a series of meetings were held regarding the lifting of restrictions on Muharram processions on two routes in Srinagar. These restrictions were imposed decades ago as there might be some issues behind them. "We are serious about lifting the restrictions and the matter is before the Shia community to decide. They were asked to provide details about how many people will be participating in the procession."