Kishtwar (Jammu and Kashmir): Security forces on Friday night launched a massive search operation in Jammu and Kashmir's Kishtawar district. Acting on a tip-off, security agencies launched the operation at Chairhar village.
The team recovered a huge cache of warlike stores and subsistence stores from a militant hideout.
Security agencies had been getting information of suspicious unidentified movement of the personnel in the general area for the last two months, therefore, a close watch was being maintained.
The joint search operation was launched by the Special Operation Group (SOG) of Jammu and Kashmir police, Indian Army and Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) at the lower Banjwar area of Kishtwar.
During the search, two Under Barrel Grenade Launcher (UBGL), an Ak-47 magazine, 48 rounds of INSAS rifle, 10 rounds of AK-47 rifle, 38 rounds 9mm ammunition, two rounds of Chinese pistol, an empty round belt Pika rifle, a dagger and a knife were recovered.
The recovery of this cache has given a major success to the Security Forces and a massive blow to the militant hideout in the area, thereby preventing the arms and ammunition from falling into the hands of inimical elements and aiming at revival of militancy in Kishtwar.
Read:Huge cache of arms, ammunition seized from J&K's Doda