Poonch/Jammu: The Army on Friday launched a search operation in a forward area, a day after it noted suspicious movement along the Line of Control (LoC) in Poonch district of Jammu and Kashmir. Officials said the troops guarding the LoC in Khari Karmara area opened fire on picking up the movement of two-three suspected intruders around 7 pm on Thursday.
Search underway along LoC after suspicious movement detected in J-K's Poonch
Troops guarding the LoC in Khari Karmara area opened fire on picking up the movement of two-three suspected intruders around 7 pm on Thursday.
Search underway along LoC
Troops also fired dozens of illuminating bombs to keep a close watch on the area to ensure there is no movement of terrorists from across the border, the officials said. A massive search operation was launched with the first light of the day to look for any traces of the suspicious movement on the ground, the officials said. The search operation is underway and further details are awaited. (PTI)