Srinagar: In her first statement after she was released from detention after 14 months on Tuesday evening, former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister and PDP president Mehbooba Mufti has vowed to continue her struggle for the restoration of Article 370 and the resolution of the Kashmir issue.
She said the Centre's decision of August 5 was a "daylight robbery".
"We all have to pledge that we will take back what was snatched illegally, undemocratically and unconstitutionally on August 5 last year. We will also have to work for the resolution of Kashmir issue for which thousands of people have laid down their lives," Mehbooba said in an 83-second audio message on Twitter late on Tuesday night.
The PDP leader said it will not be an easy task as there will be difficulties in "this path but our steadfastness and determination will be our aides in this struggle".
Also Read: PDP chief Mehbooba Mufti released
The Centre had ended the special status of Jammu and Kashmir and bifurcated it into union territories on August 5 last year.