Srinagar:Pulwama police have arrested six associates involved in militant activities linked to the banned militant organization Lashkar-e-Taiba on Friday. The six arrested associates are Aluchi Bagh Pampore, Javed Ahmed Dar, Mohi-ud-Din Dar, Arshad Ahmed Mir, Rameez Raja, and Sajjad Ahmed Dar.
Pulwama police arrest six militant associates of banned LeT
The six arrested associates are Aluchi Bagh Pampore, Javed Ahmed Dar, Mohi-ud-Din Dar, Arshad Ahmed Mir, Rameez Raja, and Sajjad Ahmed Dar.
According to police, preliminary investigations have revealed that they were involved in providing support, shelter, financing, and transfer of militants, and in encouraging young people to act as hybrid militants. The investigation team also found out that they were working for Riaz Ahmad Dar, the commander of the Lashkar-e-Taiba militant group, who belonged to Sethar Gund Kakapura Pulwama and was in constant touch with them.
A case under FIR No.19/20222 has been registered in Kakapura police station under relevant provisions of law and an investigation has been initiated.