Srinagar (Jammu & Kashmir): Jammu and Kashmir police have registered a case under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) against the family of senior separatist leader late Syed Ali Geelani, alleging that they involved in anti-national activities. "An FIR (277/2021) under section 353 of Indian penal code and 13 of UAPAhas been registered at Budgam Police Station on September 2 (Thursday) against the family members of Geelani and others who indulged in anti-national activities and raised anti-national slogans during his last rites," a senior police official told ETV Bharat.
"Those people who draped Geelani's body in the Pakistan flag have also been mentioned in the FIR," he added. On Thursday, Naseem Geelani, son of the late separatist leader, claimed: "the police not only forcibly snatched and dragged our father's body and performed his last rites but also thrashed the women of the house and other people." However, the police denied all the allegations.