Awantipora: Jammu and Kashmir Police on Wednesday claimed to have arrested an active militant affiliated with Hizb-ul-Mujahideen from the Khrew area of Pampore in South Kashmir. Acting on specific inputs, a joint team of police, Indian Army's 50 Rashtriya Rifles and CRPF 185 Battalion cordoned off the Khrew area during the morning hours and launched a search operation, a police spokesman said in a statement.
During the search operation, forces spotted a man in an orchard trying to escape the siege under suspicious circumstances. The spokesman said that the security forces apprehended the man and immediately took him into custody. According to sources, incriminating material including arms and ammunition were also recovered from his possession. The arrested person has been identified as Sahil Manzoor Mir son of Manzoor Ahmed Mir. He is a resident of Tulbagh Pampore and is an active militant of Hizb-ul-Mujahideen, police added.