Srinagar:Santoor craftsman Ghulam Mohammad Zaz, who was conferred with the Padma Shri award on the eve of Republic Day, on Thursday expressed happiness at the recognition for his art but feels it has come a bit too late. "I am extremely happy for getting the Padma Shri but I would have been happier if this award had come when my grandfather, my father or my uncle were alive and making these instruments.
"I am nothing before them. Whatever I learnt I learnt from them," 81-year-old Zaz told PTI at his Zaina Kadal residence here. The master craftsman said he would continue making musical instruments, including the santoor, that fetched him the honour as long his life permits. "This award has restored my faith that there are people who appreciate this kind of work. This is a dying art. Finally, someone has raised a voice for it," he added.