New Delhi:The CBI on Tuesday conducted searches at seven locations in Jammu, Pathankot, Rewari and Karnal in connection with the police sub-inspector recruitment scam in Jammu and Kashmir, officials said. The CBI had taken over investigation into the case on August 3 on a reference from the Jammu and Kashmir government.
J&K Police SI recruitment scam: CBI conducts searches at 7 locations
CBI conducts searches at seven locations in connection with sub-inspector recruitment scam in Jammu and Kashmir.
JK police recruitment scam:CBI conducts searches at seven locations
The case pertains to the leak of question paper for the examination through which 1,200 posts of sub-inspectors were to be filled by the Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection Board (JKSSB), they said. The agency has arrested 13 people so far in connection with the case, they said. (PTI)
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Last Updated : Nov 8, 2022, 4:42 PM IST
JK police recruitment scam