Udhampur (Jammu & Kashmir): The Jammu and Kashmir police arrested two drug peddlers and seized approximately 800 kgs of poppy straw in Udhampur on Thursday, said police. A police team conducting routine checks of the vehicle on the Jammu-Srinagar national highway intercepted an oil tanker at Jakhani on the Jammu-Srinagar highway. During the search, police recovered 800 kgs of poppy straw being carried out in 40 bags placed in a hidden cabin specially customised in the tanker.
J&K police seize 800 kgs of poppy straw in Udhampur, two arrested
A police team conducting routine checks of the vehicle on the Jammu-Srinagar national highway intercepted an oil tanker at Jakhani on the Jammu-Srinagar highway. During the search, police recovered 800 kgs of poppy straw being carried in 40 bags placed in a hidden cabin specially customised in the tanker.
JK Police seize approximately 800 kg of poppy straw in Udhampur, 2 arrested
Also read:NCB seizes large quantity of drugs worth Rs 1 cr in Mumbai; 4 held
The oil tanker was heading towards Rajasthan's Udhampur when it was intercepted by the police and they arrested two inter-state smugglers Gorav and Naseeb, a resident of Sonipat in Haryana.
Last Updated : Nov 18, 2022, 7:15 PM IST
jk police seizes poppy straw