Jammu (Jammu and Kashmir): The Jammu Police on Sunday averted a major terror attack and recovered an improvised explosive device (IED) which was targeted at a crowded area by an operative of terror outfit Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT). This came after two low-intensity blasts took place near the Jammu Air Force Station. "The use of a drone which carried a payload in both the blasts at Jammu airfield suspected to drop explosive material. Another IED weighing 5-6 kgs was recovered by Jammu police. This IED was received by LeT outfit operative and was to be planted at some crowded place," J-K's DGP Dilbagh Singh told media agencies.
As per the police, the IED weighed about 5-6 kg. The suspect has been lifted and is being interrogated. More suspects are likely to be picked up in this foiled IED blast attempt. In a similar incident earlier today, the police arrested one terrorist from the Narwal area and seized five improvised explosive devices (IEDs) from his possession. Meanwhile, the Jammu and Kashmir Police is also investigating two low-intensity blasts that took place earlier in the day in the technical area of Jammu Air Force Station. An FIR under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) has been registered in the matter.