Srinagar (Jammu and Kashmir): In a shocking incident, an Arabic teacher at a private school has been arrested for allegedly molesting and sexually assaulting two minor girls at a private school in Srinagar district of Kashmir, police said on Wednesday. A spokesman for the Srinagar Police identified the accused as Satar Beigh (42), son of Nabar Beigh, a resident of Gurez district in north Kashmir's Bandipora and presently staying at Hyderpora Srinagar.
Beigh, an Arabic teacher at Holy Faith School located at Rawalpora in uptown Srinagar has been arrested for “molesting and sexually assaulting” two minor girl students of class 4th & 5th in the school, the police spokesman said. A FIR has been registered under the relevant section of Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act in Sadar Police Station Srinagar in this regard, he added.