New Delhi:Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh on Saturday inaugurated the mega quintal capacity seed processing plant in Kathua and said Jammu and Kashmir has joined Prime Minister Narendra Modi's mission for doubling farmers' income in India. According to a release issued by the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, the Union Minister dedicated to the public the mega quintal capacity Seed Processing Plant with 16 lakh seed generation and 24 lakh seed processing capacity, the first-of-its-kind, to have come up in this entire region and said, "It is a historic day today, when Jammu and Kashmir, through district Kathua, has joined Prime Minister Narendra Modi's mission for doubling farmers' income in India."
Dr Singh said, in the last few years, Kathua has made its presence on the national map of India several times in one way or the other and it has also found the reference in Prime Minister Narendra Modi's "Mann Ki Baat" twice in the last three to four years, which is a unique distinction for any district of India."And today, the new Seed Processing Plant set up over here will be catering not only to district Kathua but also to the entire Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir and the two adjacent States of Punjab and Himachal Pradesh," he added.
Also read:Sher-e-Kashmir University organizes agripreneurs meet on doubling farmers' income
The Minister pointed out that the farmers in all these years who had earlier struggled to procure better quality seed from other places will now have superior quality seed available at their doorstep. He said this will not only enrich the quality of crops sown by them but also enable them to procure seed of superior quality at a lesser cost which, will in turn raise the margin of their profit in the market.