Srinagar (J&K): Jammu and Kashmir's State Investigation Agency (SIA) conducted raids in the early hours of Friday in connection with a terror funding case in the Shopian district of south Kashmir, sources said. The officials of SIA along with police and CRPF personnel took part in these joint raids in Ladi and Malhora areas of Shopian district.
The raids were going on when this report was filed. Pertinently, the SIA conducted similar raids at several locations in the Poonch district in September in connection with a terror funding case. Sources said that the SIA team is making joint raids along with the police and CRPF personnel in order to unearth more information and documents relating to the terror funding case.
J&K: SIA conducts raids in south Kashmir's Shopian Also read:Terror funding case: SIA conducts raids in Poonch
Earlier, the SIA raided the house of a man in Bathindi area of Jammu region on September 21 in connection with an alleged terror funding case. As per an SIA spokesman, the raid was launched at around 7:30 in the morning, in the house of Abu Bakar, a resident of Vidhata Nagar in Bathindi. Abu Bakar has been staying in Dubai for the past 5-6 years.
Abu Bakar's family is originally from Doda and is staying in Jammu for the last 15-20 years. Abu Bakar's father Akhtar Hussain was a government employee and retired from the CAPD (consumer affairs and public distribution) department as TSO (taluk supply officer). The preceding day, the SIA raided the offices of Falah-e-Aam Trust (FAT) at multiple locations across Kashmir valley following its alleged involvement in a terror funding case.
Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI), the organisation that started FAT schools, was banned by the Ministry of Home Affairs in February, 2019, for alleged militancy links. On June 14 this year, the affiliation of more than 300 schools run by the JeI was suspended.