Srinagar (Jammu and Kashmir): The Jammu and Kashmir police have decided to reopen a 34-year-old long-dormant murder case of a retired Judge Neelkanth Ganjoo, a Kashmiri Pandit. Ganjoo sentenced Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) founder Maqbool Bhat to death in 1968.
On Monday, J&K police's State Investigation Agency (SIA) said that in order to unearth the larger criminal conspiracy behind the murder of the retired Judge, Neelkanth Ganjoo three decades ago, it appeals to all persons familiar with the facts or circumstances of this murder case to come forward and share any account of events which has a direct or indirect bearing on the investigation of the case.
The SIA further assured that the identity of all such persons shall be kept confidential and protected, and all useful and relevant information shall be suitably rewarded.
Judge Neelkanth Ganjoo, serving as a Sessions Court judge in Srinagar, had sentenced to death JKLF founder Maqbool Bhat in 1968 for his role in the killing of Jammu and Kashmir police inspector Amar Chand. The Supreme Court upheld the verdict in 1982, leading to Bhat's hanging in the Tihar Jail in New Delhi on February 9, 1984.