Handwara (Jammu and Kashmir):The police apprehended a man at Braripora in Handwara for carrying Rs 57 lakh cash concealed in a geyser. The man was identified as Syed Irfan Abdulla, a resident of Laribal village in Handwara. Abdulla was carrying cash in his car. The police have also seized the vehicle involved. The incident took place on January 11, 2023.
Police officials said, "during checking, police stopped a WagonR bearing registration No.JK01X/0387 for checking and arrested a man carrying cash of over Rs 57 lakh hidden in a geyser. On counting, the recovered cash amount was Rs 57,43,800. The police also seized the vehicle involved."
Also read:Rajasthan police seizes over Rs 5 crore cash in Sirohi; 4 detained
Police officials further said, "an FIR under relevant provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act has been registered at PS Handwara and an investigation has been initiated. The accused has been arrested and the vehicle involved in the offense has also been seized. Further investigation is underway."
In a tweet, Kashmir Zone Police said, "During Naka checking at Braripora Handwara, Police apprehended one Syed Irfan Abdullah resident of Laribal, Handwara & recovered cash amounting Rs 57.43 lacs concealed in a geyser. The Magistrate was also present on the spot. Case registered & investigation started. @JmuKmrPolice."