New Delhi:The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Thursday attached the properties of two “key Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) operatives” for their alleged involvement in the 2015 terror attack on a BSF convoy in Udhampur district of Jammu & Kashmir in which two BSF personnel were killed and 13 others injured.
One terrorist was killed and another, identified as Naveed, was arrested in the retaliatory action by the security forces. A NIA spokesperson said that the two accused whose properties have been attached today were also subsequently arrested and are currently undergoing trial in the NIA Special Court, Jammu.
The spokesperson said that the duo, identified as Fayaz Ahmed Itoo alias Fayaz Khar and Khursheed Ahmed Bhat alias Khursheed Alam Bhat alias Surya, are members of the banned Pakistan-backed LeT terror organisation, as per the NIA investigations. “All the prime accused in the case ((RC-08/2015/NIA/DLI) have been charge-sheeted and are under trial under various provisions of Ranbir Penal Code, Arms Act, Explosive Substances Act 1946, Passport (Entry into India Act 1920) and Unlawful Activities Prevention Act 1967,” he said.
In the instant case, four Immovable properties, that include a single storied residential house belonging to Fayaz Ahmed Itoo, in village Khudwani, Tehsil Qaimoh in district Kulgam and a double storey residential house, along with two plots of land, belonging to Khursheed Ahmed Bhat alias Surya in village Chursoo and Sail, Awantipora, District Pulwama, have been attached under Section 33 (1) of UA (P) Act, 1967, in pursuance of the recent orders of NIA Special Court, Jammu, the NIA spokesperson said.