Budgam (Jammu and Kashmir): Indian Army along with Jammu and Kashmir Police on Tuesday claimed to have arrested four persons and recovered arms and ammunition from their possession in central Kashmir's Budgam district. In a post on X, formerly known as Twitter, a spokesman for the Srinagar based Chinar Corps said that in a Joint Operation launched by Indian Army, Jammu and Kashmir Police and Intelligence agencies on the intervening night of 25-26 Sept in Beerwah, Budgam four suspected individuals have been apprehended.
Three pistols other “war like stores” have been recovered from the possession of the four arrested accused persons, the Army spokesman said. He said that further investigation into the case is in progress. Pertinently, the arrest of the four persons with arms and ammunition in central Kashmir's Budgam comes a day after the Indian Army along with Jammu and Kashmir Police claimed to have arrested a person in Vizer area of Baramulla district in north Kashmir.