Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir Director General of Police (DGP) Dilbag Singh on Friday claimed that the Jammu and Kashmir police are active in dealing with narcotics and they will deal with narcotics in the same way they deal with the challenge of militancy. The data shared by the Jammu and Kashmir police show that Kashmir has the highest demand for heroin. Hence, the drug smuggling is rampant.
According to the data shared by the police, in 2022, approximately 17,187.60 kg of heroin was recovered from drug dealers. In January, 2.017 kg, and in February 5.805 kg of heroin were recovered from drug dealers. In March this amount saw a slight decrease and only 82.5 grams were recovered. The highest-ever heroin was recovered in April at 7.355 kg, followed by 903.96 grams in the month of May while 35 and 43 grams of heroin were recovered from drug dealers in June and July respectively. In August, 15.5 grams of heroin were recovered, 423.89 grams in September, 59 grams in October, 443 grams in November and 4.75 grams of heroin in December have been recovered by the police.