Jammu: Director General of Border Security Force (BSF) Nitin Agrawal arrived at Frontier Headquarters BSF Jammu on Tuesday for a three-day visit to review the security preparedness on Jammu international border. He was welcomed by PV Rama Sastry, IPS, SDG (Western Command), DK Boora, IG, BSF Jammu and accorded an impressive guard of honour.
On Tuesday, DK Boora, IG BSF Frontier HQ Jammu gave a detailed presentation to the DG at Frontier Headquarters' BSF Paloura Camp, covering all the critical aspects of Border Security and Domination on Jammu IB & LC. DK Boora described the general security scenario of AOR (area of responsibility), covering the deployment pattern of BSF battalions and their robust domination aspects on the complete Jammu IB.
DG BSF later visited the Samba IB area where he was briefed and informed about recent threats being faced by the BSF in the Samba area, ranging from tunnelling and cross-border smuggling by Pak-based elements. A special emphasis was laid on the Drone threats posed by Pakistani Drones from across the border into Indian territory.