Jammu: Three districts of Jammu and Kashmir received gold medals under the national TB elimination programme for their fight against the disease, officials said on Tuesday. The Ministry of Health & Family Welfare awarded the districts of Anantnag, Pulwama and Kupwara. A total of eight districts from 33 states and Union Territories were awarded the gold medals with J&K topping the list, they said. The five other districts included Malappuram and Wayanad districts of Kerala, Khargone of Madhya Pradesh, Ahmednagar of Maharashtra and Purba Medinipur district of West Bengal, they added.
All these districts have shown a 60-80 per cent reduction in TB cases in the past five years. Baramulla, which was the fourth entry from the Union Territory, bagged the bronze medal under this programme, they added. Speaking on this achievement, Additional Chief Secretary, Health and Medical Education (H&ME), Vivek Bhardwaj, said, "Gold medal to three districts of Jammu & Kashmir reflects the hard work put in by the district administration and healthcare officials towards the elimination of TB from the Union Territory.