Jammu: General Manoj Pande, the current Chief of the Army Staff (COAS), on Saturday visited the forward areas of Jammu and Kashmir's Poonch and Rajouri districts and reviewed the operational preparedness along the Line of Control (LoC). According to an official, the COAS reached Jammu on a two-day visit on Friday and was briefed about the prevailing security situation. He also interacted with all ranks and exhorted them to keep working with the same zeal and enthusiasm.
"General Manoj Pande, #COAS visited the forward areas of Poonch and Rajouri Sectors and reviewed the operational preparedness along the Line of Control. #COAS also interacted with all ranks & exhorted them to keep working with the same zeal & enthusiasm," the additional directorate general of public information (ADGPI) of the Indian Army tweeted.