Srinagar: Inspector-General of Police Kashmir Vijay Kumar on Thursday said they are investigating all the details related to the killing of three persons by the Army in south Kashmir's Shopian district.
"A missing report was filed by Rajouri families a few days back and since then we are trying to examine all the details of the case through technical mode," Kumar said while responding to a question regarding the alleged Shopian fake encounter.
He further said, "DNA samples of all three persons killed during the Shopian gunfight will be sent to Central Laboratory to ascertain the facts. Meanwhile, a team led by a DSP rank officer from Shopian has been sent to Rajouri for completing legal formalities."
Speaking to the reporters on the sidelines of a full dress rehearsal ahead of August 15 celebrations at SK Stadium Srinagar, Kumar said, "Basically, we are probing two important angles. One is matching DNA samples and another is whether these three persons (from Rajouri) were in contact with militants are not."