Shimla:After much confusion and chaos about who will be the next Chief Minister in Himachal Pradesh, Sukhvinder Sukhu on Sunday took oath as the next chief minister of the hill state with Mukesh Agnihotri his Deputy. The Congress leadership on Saturday evening announced their names after two days of 'consultations' and finally taking the nod from the 'high command'.
Congress MP Rahul Gandhi was present at the ceremony; he took a break from his Bharat Jodo Yatra for a few hours. Priyanka Gandhi who had arduously campaigned in the state was also present at the event along with Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge. Earlier in the day, Sukhvinder Sukhu went on to invite Congress state-in-charge Pratibha Singh, one of the most powerful claimants to the chief-ministerial position, for the ceremony.
Unlike most 'dynasts', four-time MLA Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu comes from a modest family and had risen through the ranks of a student activist to be the chairperson of the party's campaign unit. He was a known detractor of party veteran Virbhadra Singh who had dominated Himachal Pradesh politics for over five decades until his demise last year.